Thursday, November 29, 2012


Dec. 13th, Thursday
10am -12 noon  
A "Talk and Walk About"& "Defining Permaculture"
... through it's principles and ethics. Have you been wondering why there is  all this excitement about Permaculture in our southern loop in Baja Sur? It is because PC is an ideal strategy for landscape gardening in our desert environment. After the talk we will walk around a PC site to see some strategies in action.


Jan 17th, Thurs  
10am to 12 noon  
Making a Site Plan with
"Permaculture Design Principles"
A site plan is a helpful way to plan a landscape with many inter-related components and functions forming a harmonious integrated system. It clarifies ideas and goals, placing emphasis on the essential components of house, access, water delivery systems, slope of the land, privacy landscaping and much more. It can clarify  personal visions for your land use and help set priorities for beginning your dream here in Baja.

Price: There will be a sliding scale $50 - $200 pesos.

Directions:  Workshops will be at "Wholesome Home and Garden" in Las Tunas, north of Todos Santos. Drive north on Las Playitas Road. After the store Mercado El Sol II , drive another 1/4 mile and look for a blue sign directing you to the right. (There is Mini Super Juanita on the left.) Follow the sign at the end of the first block. The site is on the right corner. Welcome!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Composting Workshop - November 8th

November 8th - 10am to 1:30pm

Las Tunas, Todos Santos


A great conditioner of soil is compost and it is easy to make at home. If you make a new compost pile right by your favorite tree it will increase its energy and nutrition. When a compost pile is done right it takes about two months. You can use the compost throughout your garden and see the growth spurt in the tree from the manure and the "compost tea" generated in the process.

Drop by or RSVP  at

Directions:  Workshops will be at "Wholesome Home and Garden" in Las Tunas, north of Todos Santos. Drive north on the Playitas Road. After Mercado El Sol II , drive another 1/4 mile and look for a blue sign directing you to the right. (There is Mini Super Juanita on the left.) Follow the sign at the end of the first block. Welcome!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Launch of BAJAPERMA Network Soon!


Friday, September 21st
in Todos Santos at Teatro Luna Azul

Get Together and Launch of 
BAJAPERMA web site and Network

We will have a Spanish/English translator
  • 7:30 Welcome and introduction: what is the idea behind the Baja Green Network and BajaPerma web site?  with Jacklyn and Robert, founders
  • Anna from BajaVida with the documentary about “The building of an Earthship in Todos Santos and what is coming next…”  Youtube trailer click here
  • special tour to visit the Earthship and hour will be announced for the day after, Sat 22nd followed by further presentations from other project leaders :
  • Randy from Bajagreenbuilder : example of Low Impact Building in Baja
  • Moonstone, from Wholesome Home and Gardens : Permaculture in Todos Santos
  • Kim, from Gaia and Nuria, founder of Educarte:  Examples of Permaculture Gardens for Schools in Baja, for kids from 3 to 21 years old
  • RaĆ¹l, from Teatro Luna Azul: “reciprocal roof frame”, adobe bricks and more used to build the Teatro.
  • Panel discussion, Questions and Answers
  • Time to socialize and enjoy the displays and samples !

Friday, August 31, 2012

GRAND OPENING for "The Wholesome Store"

"The Wholesome Store" or "Tienda Sana" !!!

A Garden Art Show and Sale
Coming in December TBA
(We are waiting to see how the road paving will be!)

A week-end of meeting the artists, seeing the beauty of Garden Art, and checking out the new store supplying garden and home needs with a wholesome profile.

    Interested artists and crafts-people welcome to participate: 

    Garden Art can be: stepping stones for paths, wind chimes, wind socks, sculpture, painted rocks, sundials, birdbaths, pottery, planters, stained glass, paintings, outdoor furniture, fountains and water features and more.

    If you wish to participate, please send photos 
of your work to
or bring some of your work by the new store site 
in Las Tunas before December 7. Please Email for more details.


Thursday, July 26, 2012

Feng Shui Introductory Class, August 9th

Have you ever wondered why you are asked to put a crystal in the hallway or change the arrangement in the living room? The reasons are a part of a Taoist approach to creating harmony in your environment. 

Come to this summertime Feng Shui Introductory class and learn more that you can apply to your home, office, landscape, or studio/office.

   The class will be held in a private home in Las Tunas, a colonia in Todos Santos. For details and directions please contact Virginia Mazzetti at 612-119-4098 

When: August 9, from 1-4pm
Cost: $300 pesos

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Making Compost for Soil Conditioner

Dark rich compost ready to spread in the garden
Mixing compost in Baja sandy soil
A great conditioner of soil is compost and it is easy to make at home. If you make a new compost pile right by your favorite tree it will increase its energy and nutrition. When a compost pile is done right it takes about two months. You can use the compost throughout your garden and see the growth spurt in the tree from the manure and the "compost tea" generated in the process. Compost workshops coming in November.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Flower Bouquets, Fresh Sprouts and new Compost

What's New in July?
Flower bouquets for all occasions this summer
Bring a vase and I can fill it and deliver it.
Come to my place for a sweet and fresh colorful bouquet!
Look for me on Calle Jaurez in Todos Santos 
on Thursdays around 11-1pm with fresh bouquets.
~ ~ ~
Super fresh sprouts for eating! Six different kinds  
Sold at Que Rico! on Militar across from Paloma Ice Cream 
and Pura Vida, in its new location behind the Pemex at 
Posada del Molino.
~ ~ ~
 Feed your plants before the rains! 
Bagged goat manure, old and mellow available. 
Compost by the bag for all new plantings 
and making new compost piles.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Wholesome Living Tips - Food Harvest

Heirloom variety for slicing
For Sauces: Pick your 'plum variety' tomatoes when they are ripe. Keep them in a  shallow box at room temperature until you pick more in the days ahead for recipes, saucing, canning. Don't store them in a bowl where their own weight crushes them. Pints are a good size for small quantities. The sauce here is made from my own tomatoes, onions, and herbs: basil, oregano, and thyme.

Onions from the garden need to be cured before storing for future use to avoid getting mold. Here they are braided to allow excess water to dry ... and to look like pearls hanging in my kitchen.

One picking of Surinam cherries shown here is from an ongoing harvest. 
This tree is native to Suinam, Guyana, and from French Guiana to Southern Brazil. It can be a tree or a bush. It loves sun and is very drought tolerant. There are baby Suinam cherry trees for sale here in the plant nursery. Call ahead or email to come by to see them.
The Suinam cherry produces fruit it's second year and will give two crops in a single year. High in vitamin C, it is tart to the taste. It is the source of Acerola C you buy as a supplement. It has pretty, shiny cherry leaves and is a favorite hedge plant in Florida as it is so easy to shape.

    I made my first cherry pie last year from this tree. This year I made pudding  by adding mango juice to the pitted cherries in a blender, then added sugar and cornstarch to make a very tasty pudding.

Cherry Sauce: After pitting, cut open or crush cherries, sprinkle with your favorite sweetener, chill for 2 or 3 hours and use as a topping...
How about cherry short cake? Over vanilla ice cream? Que Rico!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

WHOLESOME LIVING - Organic Tea Blends

What To Do With Your Harvest?
Make your own favorite blends of tea!

Dry leaves of herbs in the shade with good air circulation!

For your own blend of tea, mix dried herbs.
Here I have rose geranium, hibiscus, mint and alfalfa.

After making your blend, set outside to steep for several hours for "Sun Tea".
A great way to use Baja's warm sunny climate! Enjoy.

Thanks to Laurie for the great photographs!



Dates To Be Announced 
November 2012 through March 2013        

Workshop I: 

Create A Nutrient Rich Soil Environment

Learn effective composting methods to give good results in two months

Workshop II: Introduction to Permaculture 

Principles and ethics and primary concerns, such as water conservation, creation of "guilds" for greater efficiency in watering, bio-diversity and the feeling of lush density in this desert landscape.

Here at the end of a porch is a "jungle guild" consists of three different kinds of Banana Trees, a FigiFan Palm, a Royal Palm, African Spider Lily, a huge desert mallow wildflower and more for a total of 16 different species, all sharing water and making shade for each other in a 18' x 8' space. 
(A "guild" creates habitat for birds and wildlife, 
 a permaculture principle. Oriole nest in banana tree in photo above.)

Workshop III: Introduction to Permaculture Design 
A new way to look at what you have on your land and how to maximize 
water, privacy, wind protection, biodiversity, shade creation, and a harvest 
of food and herbs. Making a site plan gives you an overview of your location 
and clarifies how the elements in your landscape relate to each other for 
greater efficiency and purpose.

New Home for Wholesome Home and Garden

Foundation started in Las Tunas
"Wholesome Home & Garden" Shop under construction...
for all your gardening needs!

Vegetable Starts (Nov - April)

Great Stuff Available! 
1) Vegetable and flower "starts" available November through February

2) Organic fertilizers and compost, small and large bags 
3) Gardening tools    
4) Row covering for bug and bird protection   
5) Organic insecticidal soap   
Small Neem Trees (available now)
6) Endemic and other drought tolerant trees, shrubs and herbs  (see photos)

7) Garden Art by local artists   

8) Feng Shui "cures" 
Surinam Cherry Trees (available now)
See Post on "Food Harvest" for a description of this marvelous tree

Feng Shui and Permaculture Consultation

Magazine Ad in DESTINO Los Cabos.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Summertime - Fresh Organic Sprouts at "Que Rico"

Super Fresh Mung Bean, Fenugreek, Sunflower and Buckwheat Sprouts are available while supplies last at "Que Rico" in Todos Santos. They are good on any kind of salad. Get healthy and happy by eating well!

Mung Bean Sprout and Baby Tomato Salad
Cook Mung Sprouts for 1 - 3 minutes in hot water (or steam).
Drain and add equal amount of cut tomatoes (2 cups).  Add the juice of two limones with two tablespoons of olive oil,  fresh salt and pepper. Can add basil if desired. Toss together and garnish with avocado or cucumber.  A cool and healthy lunch for a hot afternoon!

Friday, April 6, 2012

April - New Workshops

APRIL 12   10 to 12pm
$100 pesos
Learning how to make a successful  compost pile in 2 months or less.  
Fun and easy and profitable for your plants!! 

APRIL 26   10 TO 1PM
$200 pesos
Learning to make a site plan with Permaculture considerations. 
A site plan is a wonderful way to clarify your goals and the vision 
of your land as it relates to the surrounding environment. 

Both workshops will be at the site of "Wholesome Home and Garden" in Las Tunas, north of Todos Santos. Drive north on the Playitas Road. After Mercado El Sol II , drive another 1/4 mile and look for a blue sign directing you to the right. Follow the sign at the end of the first block. Welcome!
Life is good...

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Spring Sprouts!

March 2012: 
We have no Workshops scheduled for March, but Moonstone is growing sprouts and selling them at the local farmers markets and to local restaurants all month. She offers mung bean, fenugreek, crimson clover, buckwheat, sunflower and lentil sprouts. 
Organically grown ... naturally!
She will also be selling flower bouquets from the garden. We still have some vegetable and herb starts, and some beautiful heirloom tomato plants.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Upcoming Workshops in February

Upcoming Wholesome Home and Garden Workshops :

January 25th, 10am-12pm: How to Build a Compost Pile

Make useable compost in two months! Composting can be quick in Baja if you have the right ingredients, cover it correctly, and water it properly when you add to it. Learn the details…
Fee: $100 pesos per person.

February 8th: 10am-12pm:  Permaculture

Learn the basis for designing integrated systems of food production, housing, appropriate technology, and community development. A talk and a walk-about on the property to view PC techniques in action. Learn more about your soil and plants, and with new eyes to see what you have to work with.
Fee: $100 pesos per person

February 15th: 1pm-4pm:  Introduction to Feng Shui

Create balance in your home, office, or landscape based on Taoist principles. Learn how your environment supports or defeats you. Held in Todos Santos Centro at a beautiful home with large gardens. Course includes packets of info.
Fee: $400 pesos

February 22nd: 2pm-4pm:  Permaculture

Talk and walk-about…learn the principles and ethics of PC as they relate to any eco-system, with practical applicatons for Baja.
Fee: $100 pesos per person

 For directions and registration contact Moonstone: 612 119 4098 in Todos Santos

Permaculture Interview with BAJA TIPS

Virginia Moonstone Mazzetti
by The Underground Milkmaid
Permaculture (PC) refers to land use systems which use ecology as a basis for designing integrated systems of food production, housing, appropriate technology, and community development. Seems like quite a lot to make work all together, so I decided to find out more about the philosophy and techniques from my friend, Moonstone, who teaches workshops in Permaculture.
WR: What are the aims of Permaculture?
MM: Basically permaculture aims to promote stability in society, through the sustainable use of resources and preservation of wildlife habitat….as well as the genetic Diversity of wild and domestic plants and animals. The PC practioner cares for surviving natural systems and rehabilitates degraded and eroded land.
WR: So is it basically like organic growing?
MM: Yes, in the sense that PC promotes organic agriculture which does not use pesticides, but practices soil building, biological pest control, and composting.
WR: Sounds like how it used to be, way back when. How does where you live affect implementing PC practices?
MM: PC is site specific, client specific, and culture specific! It can be used in urban planning, neighborhood lots, or rural land use design. Carefully observing natural patterns characteristic of a particular site, the PC designer gradually discerns optimal methods of integrating water catchment, human shelter, and energy systems with tree crops, edible and useful perennial plants, domestic and wild animals, and aquaculture.
WR: My goodness….seems like that covers just about everything possible…and it sounds like it must require a lot of flexibility at the same time.
MM: Yes..permaculture adapts and adopts techniques from all ages…from ancient to modern, and from all countries, too. It empowers people to co-design homes, neighborhoods, and communities full of truly abundant food, energy, habitat, water, and income, yielding enough to share.
WR: So nice that it also really values and validates traditional knowledge and experience. And speaking of that….how did specializing in permaculture techniques come about for you?
MM: It happened “naturally” after having 40 years experience in organic gardening. I studied in Hawaii. I am also a Feng Shui consultant, which I consider the original environmental science. These practices work together, creating balance on all levels….whether in your home, office, or landscape. You know, according to Taoist principals, one can manipulate the Chi (life force) around you and produce greater health, wealth, and happiness! It’s not about rules…it’s about you and how your environment supports or defeats you. That’s why I call my business Wholesome Home and Garden.
WR: What a wonderful service to offer people! Are there specific challenges to this work here in Baja?
MM: Yes. My own land is a perfect example. It is desert on the land side of the Las Playitas road, so for years it was convenient for dumping trash there. The Mexicans selling the land scraped off all the well as every living plant, except two old cardons. It was demeaning to the land and yet cleared the way for rehabilitation by my hands. It was basically a half acre of “fill in the blank”; a creative opportunity to try my PC ideas and build an ecosystem out of degraded land.
WR: So you must have learned quite a lot from that experience.
MM: Being a stranger in a strange land, I had to observe and learn a lot about species I had never known before. It’s important not to rush in, but spend time observing and not doing anything. I’ve learned to have a fondness for the endemic or indigenous species that like to grow in this desert of little rain. One goal of PC is to start systems which, when established, can grow without you.
WR: Tell me, Permaculture-wise, have you made any observations about land-use issues in Todos Santos?
MM: Well, PC design is about adding stability and diversity to degraded ecosystems and protecting functioning ones. Humans have the capability of improving land or destroying ecosystems. Building on the dunes here is definitely degradation of a fragile ecosystem. I would like to see the Environmental Impact Statement and read the limitations it sets for keeping the integrity of the dunes, and yet allowing land owners to enjoy their property. I think each landowner and contracted builder should make their plans according to EIS suggestions out of respect for the environment, their neighbors and themselves. Keeping harmony in the natural and human worlds is what we're after.
WR: Amen! Let’s hope that all the efforts under way to enforce what’s already in place regarding development on our dunes succeeds. We can’t allow our coastline to erode as it has in other places. It’s such a shame. So how do you go about helping others in our area?
MM: I offer two ways to help people look at their lots and homes in Baja….Feng Shui and Permaculture. I first create a site plan, depicting the sun’s path over the land, the prominent wind directions, seasonal temperature changes, road locations, and parking areas and structures. Views are very important, too. I then divide the property into 5 zones…starting with the house and immediate area as Zone 1. The zones get increasingly wilder as they reach the boundaries where people don’t often go.
I determine where to place “guilds” or group plantings, so they function like natural systems…sharing water by creating a sponge of good planting soil, providing shade and protection for each other, and creating a sense of abundance in a sparse desert landscape.
WR: And you also offer Feng Shui for home interiors, too, right?
MM: Oh yes….and that is a very personal journey into knowing yourself and your family members’ needs. It’s a wonderful tool to help clarify your vision of now and future times. I can help people walk through their house plans, looking for ease of flow or blockages of Chi. Of course, I can also help people who are already in their homes with furniture placement and energy flow. I’ve consulted with two families here in Todos Santos who were able to sell their properties after years of being on the market!
WR: That is definitely some powerful knowledge! What are the plans for your Workshops?
MM: In the coming year I hope to have tours and PC lessons on my land every Wednesday afternoon. I am organizing Workshops on composting, mixing soil for planting, making adobe brick and cob construction as well. I also plan to offer a three hour introduction to Feng Shui class, four times a year.